
发布单位:北京师范大学人工智能学院         发布时间:2024-08-01 08:32:25



职位数量:   5

招聘人数:   若干

学历要求:   博士研究生及以上


截止日期: 2024-08-30

工作地点:   北京等


一、学校简介 University Overview


Beijing Normal University (BNU) is one of the top universities directly under the Ministry of Education.  It is among the first batch of universities of China’s “Project 985” and “Project 211”. In 2017, it entered the  Category-A list of the "World-class Universities" . In 2022, it was listed of “Double First-Class” university project, which signifies to build world-class universities and first-class disciplines. BNU is also one of the first 20 universities in which degrees are authorized by independent review. At present, it is focusing on improving the disciplinary development system characterized by "prominent peaks and abrupt plateaus." Furthermore, it strives to expand its school pattern by integrating Beijing Campus and Zhuhai Campus, steadily progressing towards the goal of establishing a comprehensive, research-focused, and education-oriented world-class university with a distinctive Chinese characteristics. With a strong emphasis on the development of  Zhuhai Campus, BNU aims to establish a southern campus that matches the standard of  Beijing Campus, aligning with the demands of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the characteristics of its disciplinary advantages.

二、学院简介 College Overview



The College of Artificial Intelligence has grown from the fertile ground of Beijing Normal University for more than a hundred and twenty years. After over 60 years of development and growth, there are 54 full-time teachers, including 4 national high-level talents. Teachers have been repeatedly selected as "Highly Cited Chinese Scholars" . The college has 3 provincial and ministerial level research platforms: Engineering Research Centre of Intelligent Technology and Educational Application (Ministry of Education), Engineering Research Center of Virtual Reality Application (Ministry of Education), and Key Laboratory of Beijing Cultural Heritage Digital Preservation and Virtual Reality. The college has a postdoctoral research station in the first-level discipline of Computer Science and Technology and two doctoral degree awarding points in the first-level disciplines of Computer Science and Technology, and Intelligent Science and Technology. It also has three undergraduate majors: Computer Science and Technology (Beijing Campus), Artificial Intelligence (Beijing Campus and Zhuhai Campus) and Data Science and Big Data Technology (Zhuhai Campus). Currently, there are about 550 undergraduate students and 250 graduate students enrolled.

Between 2020 and 2023, the computer science discipline achieved a significant milestone by entering the top 1% in the ESI global ranking and made considerable progress in the fifth round of the national discipline assessment. In recent years, faculty members of the college have received over ten times of national, provincial and ministerial level awards and related talent programs. Currently, BNU places a high emphasis on the field of information science, and the college is experiencing its best period of development in history, which will provide robust supports for various talents to start an undertaking .

三、招聘重点领域 Key Recruitment Areas


The College of Artificial Intelligence is now openly recruiting outstanding young talents from home and abroad, with priorities in research areas such as Data Science and Big Data Computing, Computer System Structure and Hardware Technology, Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality, Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Representation and Processing, Artificial Intelligence Inspired by Cognitive and Neuroscience, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Computer Networks, Mode Recognition and Data Mining, and Human-Computer Interaction.

四、招聘岗位及申请条件 Recruitment Positions and Application Requirements







The College of Artificial Intelligence is recruiting talents for the following positions in both Beijing Campus and Zhuhai Campus:

1.Jingshi Specially Hired Leading Talents

Application requirements: Generally under 50 years old, serving in well-known overseas universities with the positions of professor, associate professor, or equivalent professional technical positionswith significant academic influence, outstanding academic achievements recognized by peers, and the ability to lead young scholars to promote the development of the discipline.

2.Jingshi Specially Hired Top Scholars

Application requirements: generally under 40 years old, selected for overseas outstanding youth projects, such as Science Fund Program for Distinguished Young Scholars (Overseas), or serving as assistant professors in well-known overseas universities, with a good academic background, significant research achievements recognized by peers, and demonstrate influence and strong academic potential in the discipline, related fields, and industries.

3.Jingshi Specially Hired Young Scholars

Application requirements: Generally under 33 years old, with strong innovation capabilities, significant research achievements, notable academic influence, and great development potential.

4. Outstanding Young Backbone Talents

Application requirements: Generally under 33 years old, have a doctoral degree or postdoctoral experience from well-known domestic or foreign universities, showing potential in this discipline and related fields.

5.Liyun Postdoctoral Fellows (Zhuhai Campus Type I Postdoctoral Fellows).

Liyun Postdoctoral Fellows are an important source and reserve force for the college's full-time teachers. Application requirements: Generally under 30 years old, excellent doctoral graduates with good moral character and innovative ability. Please refer to the specific requirements of relevant national projects such as the "Postdoctoral Innovation Talent Support Program."

五、岗位待遇 Employment Benefits





1. Competitive Compensation bench-marked with peer universities.

2. Provide top-tier education resources for children, including kindergartens, primary schools, and junior high school (foreign teachers are subject to relevant national and Beijing policies).

3. Provide sufficient research start-up funds and equipment purchase funds.

4. Provide generous living subsidies and convenient housing for high-level talents, equipped with research teams as well as applications quotas for doctoral and postdoctoral positions.

六、联系方式 Contact Information


Excellent talents interested in joining the College of Artificial Intelligence at Beijing Normal University are requested to send their academic CVs to email: liuqiuli@bnu.edu.cn.

Contact Person: Ms. Liu

Tel: 010-58802620/58804320




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